Top 110+ Free Ruby on rails Tutorials and Courses online

If you’re keen on learning app development and/or associated languages, such as Python, Ruby or Java, you might as well give Ruby on Rails a look too. Not only a growing hot topic among web and app developers, but it is also one of the highest sought-after programming and coding skills in the tech industry today. That is why some of the best online education platforms, such as Coursera, Udemy and Alison etc, are offering free and comprehensive courses and tutorials online for Ruby on Rails. From basics to advanced mechanisms used in this web development tool, you will gain a lot of skills and tricks to code a site and/or app without repetition of tiresome coding. Some of these courses are free. But they are still accompanied by professional certificates awarded to you after the course is finished. There are very details lectures and even guides in some of the courses in this list. Beginners will find some classes listed below to their highest advantages, since their mode of instruction simplifies very complex things for such learners. Practice exercises and projects in listed courses will help you give life to whatever theory you will learn.

Udemy Free Courses

Ruby on Rails a Beginners Guide - Rails Tutorial

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8 Beautiful Ruby on Rails Apps in 30 Days & TDD - Immersive

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RESTful API with Ruby On Rails 5 - Free Course

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Introduction to Ruby on Rails - Tutorial

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Ruby on Rails 5 Tutorial: Build web application in 30minutes

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Learn Rails: Quickly Code, Style and Launch 4 Web Apps

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Building Rails app with Wistia and Heroku for Newbies

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React JS Frontend Web Development for Beginners - Free Ruby on Rails Course

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Deploy Rails 5.2 with a TLD, Namecheap, Heroku, Codeanywhere

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Learn Ruby on Rails By Building Projects

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Rails with Active Record and Action Pack

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Ruby on Rails Web Services and Integration with MongoDB

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Capstone: Photo Tourist Web Application - Free Rails Tutorial

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Ruby on Rails for Web Application Development

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Ruby on Rails CRUD app development and TDD

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Ruby on Rails Guides (v6.0.2.2) - Rails Tutorial

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Ruby on Rails - Free Tutorial

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Rails Girls Guides

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Ruby on Rails 4.0 Lectures

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Demystifying Rails - Free Ruby on Rails Tutorial

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Using elasticsearch in a Rails application

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Learn Ruby on Rails

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Getting Started with Rails

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Learn Ruby on Rails

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Learn Authentication with Ruby on Rails

Free Edx Courses

Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails - The Basics

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Agile Development Using Ruby on Rails - Advanced

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Ruby on Rails in 30 Days: Build Your First Web App

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Ruby On Rails Stock Market App

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Ruby on Rails 6 Complete Beginners Course [2020]

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Ruby on Rails: Test-First Workflow

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A Beginners Guide to Web Development with Rails - 125 Rails Video Tutorials

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Build an Ozone Weather App With Ruby On Rails

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The Intermediate Ruby on Rails 6 Web Development Course 2020: Learn 25+ gems and build a Startup MVP

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Advanced ActiveRecord Querying

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Intermediate Ruby on Rails (Rails 5)

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Test-Driven Rails

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Learn Ruby on Rails with Thoughtbot

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Practice Ruby on Rails Basics

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Active Record Associations in Rails

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Deployment with Capistrano

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Rails Servers with Unicorn and Nginx

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Rails Routes and Resources

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Troubleshooting a Rails Application

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Ruby on Rails 5 Basics

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React.js on Rails: Building a Full Stack Web App

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Ruby on Rails 4: Getting Started

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Test-driven Rails with RSpec, Capybara, and Cucumber

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Integrating Payments with Ruby on Rails

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Ruby on Rails - A Jumpstart for .NET Developers

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How to Use OmniAuth-Twitter in a Rails Application

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Ruby on Rails 6 Essential Training

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Ruby on Rails: Get More From ActiveRecord

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Adding Stripe Payments to Your Ruby on Rails Application

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Code Clinic: Ruby

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Ruby on Rails 4 Essential Training

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Group Chat with ActionCable - 12 Video Tutorials

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Frontend Javascript with Ruby on Rails - 15 Tutorials

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How to Test Validations in Rails - 19 Rails Video Lessons

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Ruby on Rails (5.X) - 26 Online Video

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Let's Build: With Ruby On Rails - 90 Ruby on Rails Tutorials

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Learn Ruby on Rails for Beginners from Scratch - 38 Video Lectures

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How to add a powerful search engine to your Rails backend

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How to build rock-solid Ruby on Rails apps with BDD

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The Ultimate Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Let’s Create an Entire App!

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How to implement WebSockets in Rails 4

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Slim down hefty Rails controllers AND models, using domain model events - Video Tutorial Included

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Writing a Rails Feature - Blow by Blow

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12 Web Apps in 12 Weeks with Ruby on Rails - 12 Tutorials

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How to build a rails podcast network from design to code - 28 Videos

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Ruby on Rails Tutorial - 2.5 Hours Content

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Getting Started with Rails - Ruby on Rails Tutorial

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Learn Ruby on Rails as You Modify a Craigslist Clone - Rails Tutorial

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Ruby on Rails Tutorial: Installation, Examples

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Ruby on Rails Tutorial : All you need to know about Web Applications

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Ruby On Rails Tutorial: Make A Ruby On Rails Web App

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How To Build a Ruby on Rails Application - Step-by-Step Tutorial

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How To Add Bootstrap to a Ruby on Rails Application

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How To Create Nested Resources for a Ruby on Rails Application

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How To Add Stimulus to a Ruby on Rails Application

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How To Scale Ruby on Rails Applications Across Multiple Droplets (Part 1)

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Scaling Ruby on Rails: Setting Up A Dedicated MySQL Server (part 2)

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Scaling Ruby on Rails: Setting Up A Dedicated PostgreSQL Server (Part 3)

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Securing Communications in a Three-tier Rails Application Using SSH Tunnels

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How To Run an Open-Source Distributed Social Network with Diaspora on CentOS 7

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How To Use Capistrano to Automate Deployments

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Ruby on Rails Tutorial, 6th Edition

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The Ruby on Rails Tutorial LiveLessons (Video Training): Learn Web Development With Rails

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Ruby on Rails™ Tutorial By Michael Hartl

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Ruby on Rails in 30 Days: Build Your First Web App

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The best Rails book for beginners

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Building an Online Marketplace with WePay and Rails

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Rails Girls App Tutorial

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Ruby on Rails: Understanding Concepts and Career Prospects

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Code School: Rails for Zombies

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Creating a chat application from scratch using Rails and WebSockets

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Dockerizing a Rails application - Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Step-by-Step Tutorial to Integrate with Elasticsearch in a Ruby on Rails Application.

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Rails and rescue from memory leak

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Creating a simple ToDo application with Ruby on Rails - Part 1

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Creating a simple ToDo application with Ruby on Rails - Part 2

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Creating a simple ToDo application with Ruby on Rails - Part 3

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Creating a simple ToDo application with Ruby on Rails - Part 4