Home » Free Programing Courses » Free WordPress Tutorial & Courses
From an amateur gardener to professional online businesses, almost everyone is using WordPress these days for one thing or the other. It would be nice, therefore, to own a WordPress site more unique than anyone else’s. Learning some tips and tricks to increase your sales could also be highly beneficial. Even if it is simply a photography blog, knowing the right technical skills can make the whole world start talking about your photography in a jiffy. Now wouldn’t that be wonderful? You can learn all the things needed to accomplish such goals by familiarizing yourself with WordPress tools and features. That is why we have put together this list of 62 top tutorials and classes on WordPress. Some of these are even free! They are offered by some of the best online learning platforms. Coursera, Udemy, Hostinger and many other platforms form the list. Get to learn the most useful WordPress features and tools from some of the best practitioners and professionals. From beginners to professionals, every sort of learner is catered to in these courses. Courses as short as 1 hour are also included in the list.